Valeria (aka Val) Mikhaylov - Associate

Valeria Mikhalov

My name is Valeria(Val) Mikhaylov.
I am  happy to suggest to my clients and friends from Toronto  and Calgary  the best pre-construction projects in Canada.
I am a licensed real estate agent in 2 provinces (Ontario and Alberta)now.
I moved from Ontario this summer to Calgary with my 10 years old son.
Gladly will help you to found your dream home(pre-construction or resale one)in this beautiful city!
Get all opportunities and benefits this city offers to you!
If you come from Ukraine (CUAVET program),you can buy a property with 5% down payment ,contact me and I will help you out!
I had been working as a civil engineer for 5 years in Saint-Petersburg,Russia.
I  speak English , Russian , French, Ukrainian and Spanish.
My passion is a real estate and I love to communicate with people and to spend time with my son Matthew.
My other hobbies are reading ,travel, design , fashion ,theatre and music.
My email is
My phone number is (647)618 2621
I sell properties ,not promises …
Because my promise is guaranteed!👌


Languages: English, Russian, French, Hebrew, Spanish

Specialties: Pre-construction projects.

Education: Humber College taking the real Estate Program

